Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kevin Barnett's Classroom - Impromptu Dancing and Drumming

The students in the high school classes were really cool and fun to spend time with. When we visited their classroom, Bonnie brought a deer toe rattle from West Virginia with us and she asked me to sing one of the ONAI songs with it. I chose a Shawnee sneak up and did my best alone (without a drum), so to repay my embarrassment the class decided to demonstrate Yupik dance for us.

This was something they hadn't practiced in years (since childhood), so I was incredibly impressed with how they pulled it off.

Tuntutuliak currently does not have a dance team, but it seems that this would not be due to a lack of interest or talent. LAMS boasts two very good basketballs teams and the local favorite Blue Jay Choir, so maybe a Yup'ik dance team will be joining that roster soon.

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